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Research Projects


Datasets for Flight Calls

These datasets were released as part of the following paper:

Theodoros Damoulas, Samuel Henry, Andrew Farnsworth, Michael Lanzone, Carla P. Gomes. Bayesian Classification of Flight Calls with a Novel Dynamic Time Warping Kernel. ICMLA 2010: 424–429.

Datasets for Landscape Connectivity

These datasets were released as part of the following paper:

Bistra Dilkina, Katherine J. Lai, Ronan LeBras, Yexiang Xue, Carla P. Gomes, Ashish Sabharwal, Jordan Suter, Kevin S. McKelvey, Michael K. Schwartz, Claire A. Montgomery. Large Landscape Conservation — Synthetic and Real-World Datasets. AAAI 2013.

The following are related datasets from earlier papers:

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